Monday, September 19, 2011

lone ranger.

i'm just a ghost,
hard to see,
easy to be blinded

i'm just a small sparks of memory,
hard to be remember,
easy to be forgotten

i'm just a visitor,
come for short time,
after decades of journey
then another decade of leaving

i'm just a creep,
easy to hurt,
hard to heal

superman never mine,
i'm still crying
with a no teardrops on my face

me, punchbag is normal
a depth-less sink for all
of  volcanic rage

 sorry never in my ear
reserved for spiteful word
to please me.

my heart just a daily meal,
prepared by backstabbing chefs
for me to digest, survive

pain is the teacher,
give experience that i'd had
over and over

rather mine cornering others
i'm just chasing my own tail.

i'm just a lone
just pay a price of being individual

written during bad mood, at HUSM kubang kerian. aka clinical practical time. too serious.

1 comment:

SiS NaD said...

Salam Ansarz...

Just love the words...